Tuesday, 8 May 2007

Letter to MPs

Dear Prime Minister and Members of Parliament

Ms Bradford said she was ''over the moon'' with the development and said it was a tribute to MMP that all parties were able to work out a compromise.
"The children of New Zealand will be safe."


The children of New Zealand will NOT be safe:

1. This will make no difference to the children who are savagely beaten and violently abused every day. Most of their parents have not been listening to this debate. Mostly they don't listen to or watch the news. They mostly watch videos and pornography. This kind of abuse is already illegal.

2. It will make no difference to the nearly 18,000 babies that are violently pulled apart in the womb every day in New Zealand. Why do the people who are so concerned about amending Section 59 do nothing about these defenceless babies?

3. Some children of good parents will be torn from their loving parents and put into CYFs care where they will be abused. Will that be an MPs children? Some parents will be criminalized. Or will an MP volunteer to be the first family to go to court as a test case for lightly smacking their children or putting their children in "Time Out" against their will. I think not.

Barbara Smith
Palmerston North

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